Athletes Serving Athletes
Athletes Serving Athletes
An organization that helps those with disabilities stay active
Using specialized strollers, they help those of all ages run in races and local walks.
How do we HELP?
Adaptive Equipment engineers custom built parts to enhance the safety of wheelchairs
We strive for high quality material, while maintaining affordable costs
We love attending walks, recently getting the opportunity to help out the racers on a local run
The Adaptive Equipment Team attends a local walk with ASA
Front wheel protector, preventing feet from getting into tire movement
Side wheel protectors, shielding hands and arms
Full stroller
Where are we today?
Manufacturing new parts and designs
Attending races and marathons, partnered with ASA
Continuing to promote safety and health in adaptive running
COMing up
Our attachments will be making their debut in the MCM on October 27th, 2024
From CAD
To Reality
CAD Files coming soon
Research and process coming soon